Top ten ways to go pro in Science


Top ten things to do to become an expert in Science

The reason why we hardly succeed in science courses is we do not apply life hacks. Science as a course is inherent and deep, you succeeding in it you have to apply "hacks".

    Top ten life hacks to help you go pro in  science:

1.Get ready to learn. Learning is all about focus and thinking. If you don't focus you cannot think. Focus + Thought =Content (Understand more) The more you focus your will power to learn the easier everything becomes. I am a testimony anytime I focus my strength to learn I always get a perfect results.
2.Role Model: Having a perfect role model to learn from is the perfect key to succeeding your science courses. Who is a role model ? A role model is the person your adore or admire to be like, who has made a massive achievement. E.g Albert Einstein, Thomas Alva Edison, Issac Newton. Etc you can still choose somebody who is close to you or your science teachers.
3.Create your own Inventions: Do you have passion thinking to build new system/devices. Challenge your self more get creative and develop something new or you can modify any existing solution. Get ahead of your teachers and do it first. "Our actions everyday can attribute to our success tomorrow" . What ever you do, continue in it, till you are perfect.
4.Connect with Nature: We are all connected to the Mother nature. Connect with your environment and feel it. All you are looking for is close by. Call on to nature it will answer to your request.

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5.Think Positive: Every word you alter negative or positive all have an after effect. You are a human dynamo. You send to the universe what you want and it gets back to you in no time.
6.Food: Eating the right food will improve your memory. We have energy giving foods for the brain like; Apple, pineapple, guava, paw-paw. The brain consumes a lot of energy capable of lightning a 60 watt bulb. Eat lots of vegetable, fish. Also take soya bean, its found to contain lecithin that helps boost the brain stops short term memory.
7.Master minds: Look out for people who have like minds and form alliance with them. Build your dream with them and things will be more easier than before.
8.Invisible teachers: The term invisible teacher is an act of communicating with legends of science. This method was applied by "Napoleon Hill" Author of Think and Grow rich. He communicate with this invisible teachers in his mind, by so doing he got the right information on how to solve any given problem. All you need do is to meditate and think about any legendary figure in science. Ask them to transfer same knowledge they used to solve any given problem when.
9.Autosuggestion: This is the process of conditioning your mind and instructing it on what to do or what to gain.
10.Faith:All you need is faith. Its an external elixir that gives power to the impulse of thought. All great thinkers have faith, believe that you can do a thing and it will surely come to pass.

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1 comment:

  1. The best way you can ever be great is to challenge yourself and work hard on it.
