Top 5 ways to go pro in physics

   Why most people complain about physics and why others do not.   Physics is an essential subject/ course that is versatile in human development.

     The reason why some complain / hate physics, is because of how they have set their minds about the subject."Negative Mindset". Most people consider and like physics because of the passion they have for it. They have set up their minds to go pro in the subject.
     Their are several ways to go pro in physics, but I have marked out these 5 ways as the most vital means.
However, before I list out the 5 ways to go pro in physics, I would like to define Physics and its basic fundamental.

         WHAT  IS PHYSICS ?
Physics can be defined as the study of matter in relationship to energy.
     Expressed as(Matter ~E)
The study of matter, means that matter is essential and without it,  their is no physics.

Matter Defined:
Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space.
•Time •Mass•Length
   Matter naturally have the above properties. By understanding the meaning and fundamentals of physics will help us a long way  to becoming a physics pro.
      Top 5 ways to become a physics pro:

1) Physics is an earth subject i.e(connected to earth), so if you want to go pro, why not get connected to your environment and see the after effect.
   In the stone age, the early man was very connected to his environment, that was led to the finding of stones, later converted to knife, spear and arrow for his hunting procedure were calculated in his basement (cave) before hunting.
2)You must develop a good listening skill to maintain accuracy in any form of measurement.
3)You have to find the subject to be interesting. People who engage their self in doing positive  things always have a positive result.
4)You have to get into action. Create smaller inventions/ make replica of already existing solutions, by doing so you are upgrading to become a professional. Engage yourself in any science fair competition that involves physics / engineering. Keep up the mindset and you will see the result. If what you are doing is fun, you are not doing it right.
5) Last but the least. In any new topic you learn, find out whether it carries any experimental follow up, if yes ask your teacher for guidance to carry it out.
      Make more research about physics to be more versatile. Always be optimistic and avoid the naysayers.
    "Professionals are people who rule the world and not mediocre"DJC


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