Origination of a Magnet

Magnet and its definition:
   The Greek made a discovery many years ago about magnet. There discovery showed that certain form of iron ore, called magnetite or Iodestone, had the property of always pointing the same way when freely suspended.
      These iron ores became known as magnetic iron ores.
Nb: Objects showing this property and made of these iron ores are known as magnets.
      Examples of magnetic materials, Iron, cobalt, nickel and steel. Non magnetic  materials: Wood, brass and copper.

        Basic laws of Magnet
1)It says that like poles of a certain magnets seems to repel each other when brought together.
2)While unlike poles attract.

For every known substance, it might have a positive / negative side effect. What then is polarity of a magnet ?
     Polarity of a magnet, means determination/finding the poles of magnet.

A permanent magnet will exert a force on a piece of iron or another magnet some distance away. The space in which magnetic force is exerted is called magnetic field.

Key Terminologies:

•MAGNETISM: The ability of  a magnet to attract magnetic materials.
•MAGNETISATION: The process of making a magnetic material to become a magnet. E.g by electrical method and sticking.
•DE-MAGNETISATION:  The process by which a magnet loses its magnetism. E.g by electrical method, hammering & fire.
• UNMAGNETIZED: This is when a magnetic material has not been attracted by a magnet.

     Economic use of Magnets
1) Production of force field in space ship / rocket.
2)It is used in scrap yard for massive selection of metallic waste.
3)Used in production of radio, TV set and refrigerators.
4)Magnets are used in MRI machines at hospitals.
5)Magleve train is a by product of magnetism.

"The power of attraction and repulsion is a great focus on life" DJC


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